So it's been a has been a bit busy and some how running became less and less of a priority. The good news is I'm back in the game! With my 5k in just a couple months I decided it was time to get serious again. Rather than starting at square one with a 2 minute jog I started at a 9 minute jog, which was not as easy as I thought it would be, but I still completed it making it a successful starting point.I put the run times in my calender again so I would have a reminder to run and feel more guilty if I skipped one. For what ever reason having it in my calender makes it more serious to me and having a schedule to follow helps me continue to push myself. Anytime I randomly ran without a timer during the break I took I found myself giving up too soon, which was disappointing and prevented progress.
I ran with my roommate so we ran on the treadmills at the gym, but I didn't want to let myself off too easy so I set it on an incline. When I finished the 9 minute run I did a power walk with various inclines for about 20 minutes to help build up my endurance again. Eventually, I plan to get back into the circuit workouts too, but that will probably be when I start running outside again so I can do them as soon as I come back in.
But, I'm back in the game and hopefully I will hold myself accountable for a successful 5k! I think I will finish the training this time knowing that the 5k is just a couple months away.
Count Down to Race Day: 61 Days
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