I'm still working to keep in shape though!! I may not be able to use an actual gym, run at night, or run 2 miles in the heat of the day, BUT I got an offer yesterday to join a friend of mine with a trainer they've been working with. Best of all it's FREE! Way better than a gym member ship and I'm probably going to make more progress doing this then those 2 minute circuit work outs. I feel like this opportunity is God's way of saying "Don't you dare give up! Just try something new for now!" I'm not doing the distance as much, but I decided I can pick back up with that once I can get on the indoor track and then in November, when it's cooler I'll start training long distance outside again.
Now there's only one downfall to this trainer, we workout outside, in the HEAT. You know... what I've been trying to avoid. So you're probably thinking, if you're willing to do that in the heat then why not just suck it up and run, what's the difference? Well, there's two big differences for me:
1. I feel like I haven't built up the endurance to run long distance in the heat, and with this trainer everything is done in intervals and we switch back and forth between cardio and strength each for about a minute at a time and supposedly we'll gradually increase our time for each a little bit at a time. We also get 30 second breaks after cardio to catch our breath and grab some water. It also lasts about an hour and a half so it's a longer, but less intense.
2. I'm doing this with a friend. Having someone commit to it with me makes me more accountable. Once I tell her I'm going with her, I'm much more likely to actually do it. I wont make excuses for myself. Also having someone else to work out with takes your mind off of how much it sucks working out in the heat.
Hopefully this works out for me I'd really like to stick with it and then add the running back in as I tone up and increase my endurance. I'm technically still running, it's just for shorter amounts of time in warm ups, and suicide sprints. I'm interested in seeing how much of a difference it will make. Strength wise I'm really not looking to get "ripped" doing this.. because I personally think that looks gross on females, but to get a toned body can't hurt right? At the very least it'll keep me from gaining any extra flab. We shall see :)
P.S.- Shout out to Meagan for inviting me to work out with her family's trainer, thanks girlie! :D