Sunday, July 22, 2012

Past 2 Runs

I seem to be "running" a bit behind on blogging, but I am still doing my best to keep up with my runs. 

So first I have a little bit of a funny story to share. I'm just warning you before you get let down, that you probably wont be rolling-on-the-floor-laughing-your-butt-off (also know as ROFLMBO), but it's likely you'll give a little chuckle at the irony. Anyway, when I ran on Wednesday I got impatient waiting for 8:30pm so I decided that 7:45pm was close enough and I went ahead and ran. It was cooler outside, but still pretty sticky so about 10 minutes into my run I really wanted to just quit, but I kept telling myself I'll never improve if I don't keep pushing myself. I  kept setting goals to go a little bit further for a little bit longer (this corner, that sign, one more song, etc.). My last goal was to make it to the corner before turning on to my street. It was my last two minute push when I was so ready to be done. Then, like a God send with the most perfect timing ever "The Final Count Down" started playing. It felt like the most epic end to a run ever! The only thing that could have made it any better is if "I Made It" played after. I am so glad I stuck it out through that run just to feel that awesome at the end. It was a 16 minute run and I ran about a mile and a half so I was pretty impressed with myself. While I'm running I'm always thinking "Why do I even do this!?" but then I finish and I'm like "THAT'S WHY!" 

Now, on to my more recent run. I was determined to go to the gym to squeeze in a mid day run just to get it out of the way since I knew I'd be busy in the evening and too tired in the morning. My first plan was to ask a friend to go with me, because I knew I was more likely to go if I made a commitment to go with someone else, otherwise I'd say 'oh it can wait'and further behind I'd fall. So I got a friend to go with me and it was all fine and dandy until I tried to get into my schools gym and they told me if I wasn't taking any classes over the summer semester then my membership was inactive. (Stupid. As if I don't pay enough in the fall and spring -_-) Luckily the friend I was with also had a shapes membership so we decided to try going in there and she'd use a guest pass. She didn't have any, but they were much nicer there and let me in anyway. The only bummer is that they only have treadmills, no indoor track. So it was probably the easiest mile and a half I've ever ran, I was even able to hold a conversation with my friend the entire 17 minute run. I'm actually really glad that when I started running I started on pavement, because if I trained for a 5k on a treadmill, I would have been in for a rude awaking on race day!      

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